About this Blueprint
Blueprints are a collection of Vitally best practices and use cases brought to you by today's Customer Success thought leaders.
Executive Business Reviews (EBRs) allow Customer Success teams to prove the business ROI to customers, executives, and key stakeholders. During an EBR, you might uncover business updates from both parties, recap product usage, and address any roadblocks to success. As you can imagine, there are many important items that need to be recorded from an EBR.
By using Vitally Note Templates, teams can streamline the collection of data whenever a business review occurs.
Joe Peters, the Global Head of Customer Success at Duco, uses this EBR Note Blueprint to ensure his team is prepped for an EBR, and can easily record the most up-to-date customer information on the spot.
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When to use an EBR Note Blueprint
This Executive Business Review Blueprint equips Customer Success teams with guidelines to follow when recording data from an EBR. This Blueprint can be used to prepare for an EBR and to keep track of any action items and customer updates. It also offers a great starting point for teams who may not already have an outline in place.
KPIs Impacted
- Net Revenue Retention (NRR) Rate
- Churn Rate
- Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
What data points or information will you need to complete or add?
The way that you conduct EBRs may vary, so you’ll want to take a look at the outline and edit as needed. Depending on your organization, you can make these Note Templates as simple or detailed as you wish.
For example, this template uses Vitally Account Traits which are ‘properties’ or ‘fields’ on an account (such as “CSM Pulse”, “Health Score”, etc.). You may want to include different Traits depending on the KPIs that are important to your team.
How can you customize this for other use cases?
This EBR Note Blueprint includes the use of Vitally Tasks and Traits. All of these elements can be customized to fit your particular use case, industry, and Customer Success motion. For example, you might want to create a separate Note Template for Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs) or you might have a Note Template dedicated to a Sales to CS Handoff. Any collection of data you want to streamline across your team is possible with Note Templates.
About Duco
Duco provides innovative technology that empowers end users to consolidate, standardize and reconcile any type of data in Duco’s cloud. They give firms on-demand data integrity and insight, helping to drive operational efficiency, business agility and strategic decision-making.
Duco’s SaaS solution is used by some of the largest companies in the world, including international banks, investment managers, exchanges, insurance firms and challenger fintech companies.
In addition to EBR Notes, Duco uses Vitally Project templates to ensure a consistent experience across all customers. Take a peek at Duco’s EBR Project Blueprint here.
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