Mastering Customer Success Through Every Company Phase

Episodes of the Success/ful Podcast are available on:

Navigating the startup landscape takes more than just a great product — it requires mastering Customer Success at every stage. 

In the latest episode of Success/ful: Winning Ideas From the World of CS and Beyond, Sunil Joseph, an Advisor and Fractional Chief Customer Officer, shares his expertise on creating a cohesive customer experience from the seed stage onward.

By breaking down the fundamentals, Sunil covers strategies for different business stages — from understanding funding phases to preparing for funding rounds — all aimed at maintaining consistency across the customer experience.

Listen now to hear:

  • The basics of business funding stages
  • Customer Success strategies for different company stages
  • Strategies for building a unified customer journey 
  • How to prepare for funding rounds
  • And much more…

Guest Quotes

Sunil on driving impact as an individual

“What is the impact that I can add to the business today, this week, this month, and this quarter? Always think beyond yourself and think about the company’s success…What can I do today to drive the total value for my customers, which is going to drive the valuation for our stakeholders and for our company, and at the end of the day it’s going to be positive for everybody. So, the best I can do in my role as an individual is to [drive] the best impact that I can, but keep it measurable.” 

Sunil on creating a unified customer experience for startups

“The best [thing] a founder can do early in a seed stage, I would say, is being focused on, ‘how do I create a unified customer experience, to the best of my ability.’ And you're still working through ICP, right? But you might get some large customers. You might get some smaller customers. It doesn't matter. I want to make sure my customers go through a unified journey.”

Sunil on upskilling existing team members to prepare them for the next stages

“If you have a CSM that has been with you from series A to series B, that same CSM can be upskilled into driving your next stage of the journey, either in a leadership capacity or upskilling their role and taking on much larger accounts. So rethink what it means to upskill and create success metrics for an existing team to grow so they can take on more challenges, continue to grow with the journey, and the skill sets needed to augment the team.”

Taylor’s Takeaways

  • Sunil gave a lot of tactical and concrete advice about how to be successful at different company stages but also gave insights into the commonality at every stage. The commonality that resonated the most is the need to take radical ownership of metrics and understand how our actions impact the entire business.

  • I also love how Sunil said CS Leaders should embrace the chaos in the early stages as an opportunity to identify foundational themes for customer experience.

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Episodes of the Success/ful Podcast are available to listen on:

About the Featured Guest

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